January 16, 2013

[quick tip] Define your fav sending option (Android phone users only)

Posted in mysms quick tips by mysms

mysms offers Android phone users the great possibility, to not only send mysms friends messages, but also messages via a connector or texts via your mobile carrier. Maybe you have already seen that the mysms settings on your phone include an option called „Text via“. We’ve integrated this function so that you can arrange your sending preferences. It completely depends on you how your text message is sent.

How to change your sending options

How to change your sending options

If your recipient also uses mysms, the sending option “mysms friends” will always be the first choice, as this option is free of charge. In case you have installed a connector, you can choose, whether you’d like your messages to be sent primarily via this connector or via your mobile carrier. Don’t forget you’ll receive 10 free messages, if you download the mysms out connector :). However, if your contact is not supported by your preferred sending option, the next available option will automatically be selected. You can easily arrange your sending preferences with “drag & drop” for domestic and international texting. Your sending options will then be shown in the send button whenever you send a new message.


Additional preferences for specific contacts

After you’ve arranged your sending preferences for all contacts, you can additionally change this setting for individual contacts in a particular thread. Press and hold the send button to see all available sending options. Then choose one option and send a message. The option will be saved as first preference for this contact. Your “Text via” setting won’t be changed.


Please note: This option is a feature for Android phone users only, as iPhone and Windows Phone users are only able to send mysms friends messages. We’d love to provide our Windows Phone and iPhone users with the same feature set and we promise to implement the functionality as soon as restrictions of the operating systems change.

January 9, 2013

[quick tip] How to text from your tablet

Posted in mysms quick tips by mysms

Do you possess a tablet, but are desperately looking for a way to send text messages? As mysms is a cross-platform app, you can also use the app on your Android tablet or iPad and benefit from a larger display and a more convenient keyboard for writing texts.

mysms for tablets

mysms for tablets

To get started, download mysms on your iPhone, Android or Windows Phone first and create an account on your smartphone by using your mobile phone number. Some of you might have a tablet with a SIM card. Also in this case you need to register with your phone number. Otherwise you won’t be able to use our cloud features or cross-device synchronization.


After you’ve successfully registered on your phone and the sync of your contacts and messages has completely finished, you can start with mysms on your tablet right away. mysms offers you the same sending options as you’re enjoying on your smartphone and is not depending on the kind of tablet you’re using (Wi-Fi or Cellular). If you’re using an Android phone, you can send mysms friends messages, messages via a connector as well as texts via your mobile carrier. In case you’re using an iPhone or Windows Phone you can text for free with other mysms users – just invite your friends to mysms.

December 18, 2012

Our native Android tablet app is available!

Posted in mysms news by mysms

We’ve got exciting news for our Android users: The native mysms app for Android tablets has just arrived at the Google Play Store! You can now use all advantages of a native developed mysms app on your Android tablet.

mysms for Android tablet is here

mysms for Android tablet is here


Text conveniently on a larger display

Once you have created a mysms account on your phone, our brand new Android tablet app allows you to send and receive texts and multimedia messages on your tablet. All your messages are synced to the cloud and can be accessed from any web-enabled device. Enjoy the large screen and the full-sized portable keyboard for creating, sending and receiving free mysms friends messages or text via your mobile carrier (mysms Android phone users only).


Customize the settings as you prefer

mysms is optimized for landscape and portrait mode. In portrait mode you can choose whether you’d like to display the contact pictures or if you’d like to use a greater width to have a better overview of your conversations. You’d like to receive a different ringtone for incoming messages? No problem, you can also change it in the preferences.

hide contact pics in portrait mode

hide contact pics in portrait mode


Manage your messages and send any file you like

It’s easy to forward or delete messages (just tap and hold them) and you can also send any file via your tablet. Moreover, if you’ve already connected your mysms account to Evernote on your Phone, desktop or web app, your messages will be saved in Evernote as well.

attach any file

attach any file


Use mysms on any device

mysms is becoming increasingly platform-independent and is currently available for Android Phone, iPhone, Windows Phone, Mac, Windows, Chrome and Android tablet. Additionally, there will be some great news for our iPad users soon!


So, give it a try and download it now!

December 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, SMS!

Posted in mobile news by mysms

Congratulations! Text messaging celebrates its 20th birthday today. Hard to believe that it’s been already 20 years, when it was possible for the first time to send 160 characters via a mobile phone. Can you imagine living without text messaging? In this case you wouldn’t be able to send short updates when coming too late or arrange meetings without making a phone call. Text messaging makes us more flexible in our day-to-day communication. But how did it all start and what will be the role of SMS messaging in the future?

Let's celebrate!

Let’s celebrate!


The origins reach back to 1984, when a Finish engineer started a discussion about the idea of a messaging service at a mobile telecom conference in Copenhagen. However, the first text message was sent on 3rd December 1992 by the Vodafone technician Neil Papworth. “Merry Christmas” were the words he sent via the new transmission technology Short Message Service (SMS). These two words were the foundation for a service which people can’t imagine living without nowadays.


Texts or short messages (SMS) are a way of communication to exchange messages via mobile phones or from a computer to mobile phones. The word “short” stands for the maximum of 160 characters that could be used at its start. At the beginning text messaging was free of charge and mainly used to inform subscribers about waiting voicemails. As you can see on the chart, it took a while until texting became the most popular form of communication. From the first sent message in 1992 SMS traffic increased steadily up to over 8 trillion texts in 2012. Nowadays, every single user of a mobile phone is able to send and receive texts. And with the emerging trend towards using smartphones instead of simple feature phones (and the associated constant internet connection), new technologies like instant and OTT messages are becoming increasingly important. Just like with mysms friends, it is possible to transfer messages worldwide for free via data connection. In addition some implementations for the keyboard, like T9 or Swype have been relieved the handling of text messaging and made it more convenient over time. Furthermore, you are able to send even more than 160 characters and you could send them via any device nowadays.


When we started with mysms our goal was to bring the advantages of both worlds (SMS and instant messaging) to one single product. By using our app you can send not only texts via your mobile carrier, but also instant and multimedia messages (mysms friends messages) to other mysms users via data connection. In addition, times where you have to write messages on a small keyboard on your phone are also enhanced by the possibility to write texts and messages on your computer or tablet as well.


Despite the fast moving world of technology, texting is still the world’s most used form of digital communication, over 8 trillion texts are sent every year and it still connects more people than every other messaging service e.g. Facebook or Twitter. Moreover, text messaging has been proven to be as addictive as smoking cigarettes. We believe texting will continue to be popular in the future and will be endorsed by instant and OTT messages.

We are looking forward to congratulate the SMS to its 30th Birthday.

August 16, 2012

Why we love text messaging

Posted in messaging by Lisa Leitner

From a 21st century point of view, text messaging might look like an old technology. With the revolution of apps you read headlines like “Text messaging is dead” or “Messengers kill SMS” on tech blogs every now and then. However, fact is that the long history of text messaging is one of the reasons why we regard texts as a reliable and pleasant way of communication. Our sympathy for text messages is so great that we might also say: we love text messaging.

Why we love text messaging and mysms


A survey conducted by Acision found that 92 % of smartphone users still send text messages. This makes texting one of the most widespread methods of communication in the world. Also, against all odds, SMS usage is increasing with about 8,000,000,000 texts being sent every day.


Text Messaging Differences I – Women vs Men

Female vs male usage of text messaging

While both obviously love text messaging, they use it for different purposes. Men send texts for practical reasons: It’s fast, you can avoid nasty phone calls and come straight to the point. Women use texting to deepen relationships. On average, their texts are longer and contain more emotional messages. 54 % of all polled women said they text their beloved “I love you”-messages to cultivate human relations.


Text Messaging Differences II – Young vs “Mature“

Young vs old usage of text messaging

Also, the purpose of texting is different across different age groups. While 18 – 25 year-olds send about 133 texts a week mainly to their friends, 55+ year-olds use text messaging to stay in contact with their family. Very interesting fact: Only 19 % of under 25s use services like Skype or Twitter on their mobile, but 94 % of them send text messages.


The main reason people prefer to send a text rather than using another kind of communication is reliability and trust. 46 % of respondents claimed that texting is more reliable than other messaging services and 69 % said that they would be lost without text messaging. Other reasons why we love text messaging are its immediacy, speed of delivery and reach.


While sending a message via a social media platform feels less immediate to many smartphone owners, text messages often elicit instantaneous responses. Internet psychologist Graham Jones says: “People today are also compartmentalising their messages as they all have a specific purpose. Email is being used much less for personal communication and much more for business, whereas social networks tend to remain a medium to message friends and peers, sometimes on a one-to-many basis.”

Also “Text messaging remains a functional communication tool, but still with a personal aspect, which could explain its longevity,” he continues. “You can say things in text you wouldn’t necessarily say on another communication tool. Although there has been an influx in new broadband-based messaging services, which people are certainly experimenting with, people are differentiating services according to their need and using them as complimentary services as opposed to stopping usage of one or another messaging service.”


It’s great to have a choice, and it’s great to rely on a service; a service that lets us connect with our family and friends on a very personal level, is fast and reaches out to every phone all over the world. That’s why we still love text messaging.


Why do you love text messaging? Let us know in the comments.