September 9, 2014

Export your entire SMS inbox to access your messages offline

Posted in mysms news by mysms

With mysms your messages are always by your side on all your devices. They are saved in the mysms cloud and available on your smartphone, tablet, desktop or any other web-enabled device. In addition we provide several plugins that serve as an additional storage for your beloved SMS.

Export your SMS & MMS

Export your SMS & MMS

In addition to the archiving plugins that automatically save texts to your Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive or Email account, we added an awesome feature:


The SMS export feature allows you to save your entire SMS inbox. With a few clicks all your messages that are saved in the mysms cloud (not only new ones) are sent to your email account in a single .CSV file. This allows you to backup your texts anytime and to manage your texts even when you are offline. It is great way to manage your messages with these plugins as your texts are even available if you delete them from the mysms cloud.


You’ll find the SMS export feature under the same option as the archiving feature in the mysms settings on your Android phone (“SMS archiving”) or in the web app (“Dropbox, GDrive, Evernote, Email”). Go to “SMS Export” at the bottom of the screen. Then enter your email address and confirm this action by clicking “Export & send file”. We’ll send a zipped CSV file to your email account that includes all your SMS & MMS that are saved in the mysms cloud. Attachments are excluded.


Are you a fan of our archiving or export plugins? Do you prefer to backup your texts with an additional service?




Please note that the SMS export feature serves as additional storage for your messages, but it is not possible to restore your messages with this file.

September 4, 2014

Android 4.4: Text from your computer without using mysms as your default SMS app

Posted in mysms news by mysms

We here at mysms aim to provide you with the most awesome texting experience across all platforms. We believe that mysms is the best choice for all your devices, but we particularly want to provide you with the possibility to text from your computer. Especially for those of you who spend a lot of time in the office in front of a desktop screen, it is simply much more convenient. Therefore, we’ve got great news for our users who enjoy texting from the computer with mysms, but prefer another default SMS app on their phone.

Use mysms to text on any device

Use mysms to text on any device

With the release of Android 4.4 (KitKat) Google introduced a concept that allows only one app to be set as default SMS app. That means only your selected app can fully manage the SMS database on your phone. This is a change of the operating system we cannot influence.


Until now it was hardly possible to use our service on the desktop or tablet, if mysms was not actively used on the phone (under Android 4.4). With this update we’ve implemented a solution for Android KitKat users who prefer another SMS app on the smartphone. In this case texting on your computer with mysms works flawlessly again by using the latest of the mysms app for Android phone! You can download the update from the Google Play Store:

Download mysms for Android phone

Download the update


Due to the change of Google’s Android 4.4 we’re only able offer our entire feature set if mysms is used as default SMS app. Please keep the different functionality in mind, which is shown in the following list:


mysms as default:
mysms as default:
Receive SMS & MMS on any device
Send texts & MMS on any device
(MMS sent from your desktop/tablet will not be shown on phone)
Send & receive mysms friends messages X
Delete messages
(messages deleted on one device are also deleted on other devices)
(messages deleted on your desktop/tablet are still visible on your phone)
Mark messages as read on all devices
(messages read on one device are also marked as read on other devices)
(messages stay marked as new/unread on your phone)
Restore your message on a new device (e.g. if you get a new phone) X


You know that we honestly appreciate your feedback. We would be glad, if you share your experience with the update with us. Also, feel free to tell us why you don’t want to use mysms as your default texting app. What should we improve in your opinion?

Last update: November 25, 2014

August 11, 2014

Share beautiful moments with sending pics on your iPad

Posted in mysms news by mysms

You have told us that sending MMS, especially pics, is a very important feature for you. Sharing your happiest moments via mysms for iPad has become more beautiful with the latest update. Let’s have a look at the changes.


This is how the pictures have been displayed in our iPad app before:

Previous picture view

Previous picture view


After installing the latest update, you will experience a new attachment view. The thumbnail of your beautiful pictures has been enlarged and a blurring effect has been implemented for the loading process:

New beautiful picture display

New beautiful picture display


What do you think about this improvement? Are you a heavy MMS user?


July 24, 2014

Improved texting experience on your Windows 7/XP PC

Posted in mysms news by mysms

mysms users already know that texting on a computer or tablet is awesome. Once you’ve tried it, you don’t want to miss it anymore. After installing mysms on your Android phone, you can send and receive your SMS messages on any other web-enabled device, like your Android tablet, iPad, Windows 8 PC, Mac etc. Today we are releasing a new version of our Windows 7 app, which you can install right away. We are keen to show what has changed.


Why should you use the mysms app for Windows 7/XP?

Our mysms desktop apps are the most convenient way to text while you are in front of a PC. Our apps, which are available for the most popular platforms, allow you to make use of great native features. Modify your notification settings or choose to open the app at the Windows startup and you won’t miss a text and even your calls anymore. We here at mysms want to provide you with the most convenient way to text from all your devices.


What’s new in this version?

During the last month we collected a lot of valuable feedback from you in our support forum. Texting from your Windows 7/XP PC is now even better. We improved the speed of the app and it needs less memory space. In addition to performance optimizations, we integrated new useful features:


  • Save attachments

    When your friends share their happiest moments by sending pictures to you, you just need to open and right-click on the attachment to save it on your hard drive.

Simply save pictures via mysms


  • Mute notifications

    Even though texting on your PC and staying up to date all the time is great, there are some expectations. Especially when you need to focus on finishing work on your computer or when you are in a meeting, it can be advantageous to mute the notifications for a specific amount of time. Right-click on the mysms icon in your system tray and choose “Notifications” to mute them for 30 minutes to 8 hours.

Mute notifications if you should not be disturbed


  • Quickly compose a new reply
    When you left-click on the mysms icon in the system tray, a pop up appears. Clicking on this opens the new message view.

Compose a new message faster


Now it’s time to have a look at the app. You can use this link to install the app directly on your computer now or you can download it anytime form our website.


We did our best to provide a fast and reliable app. If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments or on our support forum.

June 11, 2014

mysms detects if you are online or not

Posted in mysms news by mysms

We’ve made a change in our sending process with the latest mysms update for Android phone.


When you text with other mysms users, the default sending option is to send free messages (send button turns green). These messages are sent via the internet. But what if you do not have a data connection right now?


With the latest update, mysms recognizes automatically if there is no data connection available. In this case the send button will turn grey and you will be able to send a regular text message instead. As soon as WiFi or mobile data connection is available again, the send channels switches back to green.


The following screencast demonstrates how it works:


This improvement should make the use of mysms even more convenient. Let us know in the comments, if you have any questions on that!